We created a playmat for Solo Fluxx!
You can buy this neoprene SOLO FLUXX PLAYMAT from us online...
...or download a free printable version from the Solo Fluxx BGG page!
Now you can play FLUXX with only one player and with any version of Fluxx!
1) Download the SOLO FLUXX RULESHEET for instructions... (also dowload CARDS TO REMOVE pdf)
2) Choose a deck from the drop down below to see which cards to play with:
3) Have Fun!
4) The Game Play Stats chart below shows current stats for each deck. How'd you do?
5) Add to the fun by adding your score to the stats with this anonymous two-question form.
If you have any questions, be sure to check out the Solo Fluxx section of our online FAQ.
Thank you for playing SOLO FLUXX by yourself or with friends!
(With friends? Everyone at the table picks their favorite version, and plays their own game, while laughing and chatting and Fluxxing things up.)

Happy Holidays from Looney Labs!
This fun new way to play Fluxx was created as our 2022 Holiday Gift to say a big huge THANK YOU to all of our fans for being the best group of people we know, and for supporting us all through the years. HUGS!